Well the years end is running into as at breakneck speeds. So of course comes the time for the end of year roundup articles. That of course also brings the game of the year polls ( see below) Unlike most, we arent going to simply let staff just choose the best. We want you, the community […]
In the interest of getting it off my chest and to not draw out the anticipation I will say now that Hollow Knight is amazing. A breathtaking masterpiece that there ever was. Let it be known right now that I love this game. Somehow, despite being made by only 4 or so people and on […]
It’s been a while since the last You Draw, But people wanted more so here it comes! This Months You draw will be Games you want Reinvigorated or resurrected. So basically, if a franchise is dead and you want it back. Well, that works. Or if a franchise is practically dead with how terrible it […]
The year ends special You draw is over. Before we set the next one up, lets check out all the art our community has created for ‘Character of the year’. Below you can view peoples choices for the best characters of the year. The choices range from games, anime, comics to manga. Did your choice […]
So here we are, a new year is right around the corner. So with this, I thought to myself what is the best way to celebrate? Then it came to me, it had to be a giveaway! Unlike your standard giveaways,I want this one to be fun but simple. So check out how to get the […]
After tearing my hair out trying to find a decent looking horror movie on Netflix I gave up and told my fiance she had to pick something for us to watch tonight. So she loaded up Crunchyroll and queued up another! …Ahem, I meant, Another! This is an anime that she saw years ago and was […]
Hello all! For my 2nd day of October I watched Halloween H20. I am an incredible sucker for the Halloween movies. Love them all to pieces. Yet somehow I’d never gotten around to seeing the 7th and “final” installment of the storied franchise. Its not that I’ve never wanted to, but just never got around […]
Yup! All new users can write articles for the site to their liking. We do have some quality standards which we’ll outline soon, but for now you can submit an article and an editor will clean it up and make sure it’s up to standard. Of course only changing things like formatting, grammar and spelling, […]
A year has passed here on Sidearc or Takuchat as it was once called and once destroyed. So with the year in mind here is our very special look back at all the weird crap that has befallen us. Most Jeeted Post-simpley the most reposted thing that happened on our site. Award for the most […]
Fright is weird. Some of the things people find scary are weird. Like candles, clowns or cows. But little kids (and some adults) find the oddest aspects of something to be afraid of. With it being Halloween eve, I thought it would be fun to share ridiculous aspects of games, shows, what have you that […]