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Berserk 2017 The Corruption of Qliphoth Review

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So, it’s friday and with that more Berserk 2017. This weeks episode covers a pretty notorious part of Berserk. That of course being Qliphoth . You can view the review below.

Here are the previous reviews if you missed them-


This weeks episode is a little creepy as we find ourselves watching the trolls within their lair of depravity. Oddly enough I was expecting it to be far worst. I guess we are lucky it was not as graphic as it could have been. Lets be honest, that would have been pretty gross. Onto actual story, this weeks episode was pretty well done. The tone is pretty solid throughout, though there is no real sense of emergency or anything.

Beyond that, we do get some nice character moments for everyone and some amazing lines of dialogue. While I did enjoy the episode, I still feel it lacks any sense of urgency or actual drama.


Visuals and Sound

Berserk 2017 is not an amazing looking show, but it is improving. The visuals in this episode are likely the best of the season so far. We have many moments where the show actually looks very good. Not to mention a moment of hand drawn animation that is spectacular. That being said the gags are still forced in, and it hurts the show a lot. They are put in at very wrong times and they take you out of the moment.

In regards to sound, Hai Yo is overused at this point. Every dang time Guts does something “HAI YOOOOO”. The first few times it was coo. But now, it is just overdone. All in all though, the music and such isn’t bad, not really stand out but not bad by any means.


So basically this episode follows the same trends as the previous. Some amazing visual moments with many other awkward ones. Reused music that is getting a bit tedious and some awesome moments held together by a wonderful story that we are not seeing enough of.

You can watch Berserk 2017 on CrunchyRoll here. Expect more reviews soon.