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PlayStation 3 Production Ends in Japan

| Categories: Video Games | 13 Comments »

According to the official Japanese PlayStation website, the production for the PlayStation 3 has ended in Japan. Sony mentioned their console will have a ten-year life cycle before ending production, and they have honored their words since the system’s launch in 2006. The PlayStation 3 has sold over 86 million consoles worldwide prior to this […]

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YouDraw: Character Of The Year Entry Zone

| Categories: You Draw | 35 Comments »

The new You draw is coming up! This one’s theme is Character of the year. Simply choose the character you think was best of this year, if you think there are multiple worthy of the title, well do multiple! You can choose from Video Games, anime, movies or whatever as long as it is from this […]

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Best of The Year Vote

| Categories: Featured Posts, Video Games | 43 Comments »

Ok, so the year is coming to an end. With that of course comes your usual Game of the Year type things. So here’s the thing, we arent doing your usual every day vote. We will actually be considering peoples reasons for why the game/anime/movie is the best of the year. What you need to […]

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Have A Very Berserk Christmas.

| Categories: Video Games | 14 Comments »

It’s that time of the year again, it is time for a Berserk Christmas. Oddly enough it is even more relevant and slightly less insane for me to be posting this as we get new Berserk Season this year. Now go down there and watch the video. It is Christmas time after all, and really what […]

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Berserk(2016) Episode 3 Review

For those who hate themselves.

| Categories: Video Games | 12 Comments »

Wow, where do I even start with this. Well, the first episode of the new Berserk was bad, the second one was ok.But this, this is another thing entirely. If you missed the first episode review, click here. If you missed the Second episode review, click here. The Story. Sadly the story is horrible in […]

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Berserk ( 2016) Episode One Review.

| Categories: Video Games | 18 Comments »

It is a cruel fate to be a Berserk fan. To be teased with a short sign of hope time and time again, only to have it end abruptly or be something you did not want. Then something comes out of nowhere, with its announcement hope began rise in the hearts of many. But it […]

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New Berserk Trailer Is Out

| Categories: Featured Posts, Video Games | 11 Comments »

After what felt like an eternity we have finally gotten a new and amazing looking trailer for the new Berserk series. Just watch it, it is so incredibly worth the time- Here is some of the new information via Anime News Network– The anime will star: Hiroaki Iwanaga as Guts Kaoru Mizuhara as Puck […]

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Keep Your Most Important 2016 Video Game Releases in Mind with These Desktop Wallpapers (Part 1)

Cause you know you always forget...

| Categories: 3DS, Featured Posts, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, SideArc, Video Games, Xbox One | 2 Comments »

It is 2016 and it’s set to be one of the biggest years for gaming yet, with a few titles that have been in development for as much as 8 years may be released this year. It’s important to keep in mind that many of these games could face delays despite them having confirmed dates. […]

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Hajime Tabata: “We will finally release FFXV this year, in 2016!”

No specific day though...

| Categories: PlayStation 4 | No Comments »

In a blog post Hajime Tabata confirmed Final Fantasy XV will be coming out in 2016. Here’s the post below: Happy New Year! We will finally release FFXV this year, in 2016! In development, previous phases required wisdom and strength. However, moving forward the final phase will focus on effort and willpower. I vow to you all […]

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