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Dragon Ball Z Video Games Are Doing Very Well

| Categories: Video Games | No Comments »

Ok so Dragon Ball Z, the biggest anime in the world. It ended way back in 1996. That’s 24 long years. But still Dragon Ball persist. Not only in its recent theatrical film Broly, and the series Dragon Ball Super but they also have had non stop games, nearly every year. Recently we had the new game […]

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Piccolo Day 2020 is Upon Us Westerners

| Categories: Video Games | No Comments »

Ah Piccolo Day 2020. A glorious and horrid time of destructive celebration. Every Year upon May 13th we celebrate Piccolo Day (the 9th for the East). Upon this grand holiday King Piccolo shall take a slip from his wonderful and fateful box , and the chosen sector on the slip will host that year’s celebration and […]

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Happy Piccolo Day For The Americans

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Every Year upon May 13th we celebrate Piccolo Day (the 9th for the East). Upon this grand holiday King Piccolo shall take a slip from his wonderful and fateful box , and the chosen sector on the slip will host that year’s celebration and will end in its destruction at the hands of the great King […]

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DragonBall Xenoverse Trophies Revealed With Three New Character Videos

| Categories: Video Games | 13 Comments »

Bandai Namco uploaded some new gameplay videos for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. The videos show off gameplay from Frieza, Cooler and Dragon Ball Supers Hit. You can check those out below, and further down are the trophies- Hit- Cooler- Freiza- Below are all the games Trophies- Platinum Bye Bye, Xenoverse: Obtained all trophies! Gold Over Here, Slowpoke…: […]

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DragonBall Xenoverse 2 Announced

| Categories: Video Games | 4 Comments »

  Bandai Namco announced Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.  The game is set for a 2016 release. The sequel builds upon the original game with enhanced graphics and will bring a new hub city and the even more character customization choices than the first title. Additional details will be revealed at E3 […]

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