Yup! All new users can write articles for the site to their liking. We do have some quality standards which we’ll outline soon, but for now you can submit an article and an editor will clean it up and make sure it’s up to standard. Of course only changing things like formatting, grammar and spelling, […]

This review is dedicated to my longtime best friend–a lover of wolves, a conservationist, and an anime fan. And, very recently, the birthday girl! Director and co-writer Mamoru Hosoda delivers in Wolf Children a gem of an ode to the heartrending challenges and unimaginable joys of parenthood. Hana is a university student who falls in […]

Level-5 announced the highly anticipated sequel to Ni No Kuni during the PlayStation Experience 2015 opening keynote. The game has an all new cast and is seemingly some time after the first. You can watch the gorgeous trailer below- Like Final Fantasy VII Re, Ni No Kuni also has gotten a dev diary, which you can […]

When I heard they were making an Attack On Titan game, I instantly thought of how awesome it could be. Then of course I started to think of how it was going to suck, but now we have real gameplay, and it looks very very good. Check it out- https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=106&v=HmX__Pq0KYI