Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XV is having a collaboration with Nisshin Cup Noodles, a pre-packaged ramen company. These noodles will appear within the game and will have delivery trucks driving around. Outside of that there will be at least one side quest involving them. Apparently Galdio loves these noodles. Check the trailer out below- Square also […]
final fantasy xv
Square Enix uploaded the Tokyo Game Show 2016 trailer for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. The much anticipated title is set to release in 2017. Though we have no specific date for it. The game is not yuour typical HD upgrade as it has a good amount of new and upgraded content besides the visuals. […]
Square Enix Uploaded a somewhat new trailer for Final Fantasy Xv. You’ve probably seen the exact trailer like 30 times by now, but this time around it has new audio and a voiceover by Noctis setting up the mood for the games feel. The voice over doesn’t really say too much, but it is a […]
Confirmed: Final Fantasy XV Delayed to November 29th to Avoid Day-One Patch
I can't even be mad...
Hajime Tabata has confirmed Final Fantasy XV is being delayed, but not to simply make more time for improvements but to also avoid having the infamous day one patch for the game, which people with slow or no internet connection may not get. Day one patches are a common thing now days and often the source […]
Square Enix has released a new World of Wonder trailer for Final Fantasy XV. The trailer features the new music from Florence and the Machine. You can buy her Final Fantasy XV songs on iTunes. We also now know what the games DLC will be, you can view that below- “Booster Pack” (DLC #1) Freely obtain powerful […]
PlayStation Store added the Season Pass for Final Fantasy XV. While the North American Store had no information the Japanese one did. Below is a list of the DLC packages that are to be with the Season Pass “FFXV Booster Pack” “FFXV Episode Gladiolus” “FFXV Holiday Pack” “FFXV Episode Ignis” “FFXV Episode Prompto” “FFXV Expansion […]
Square Enix Uploaded a new Trailer for Final Fantasy XV. The trailer is some old and some new, and like previous ones shows off KingsGlaive and Brotherhood too. The best part is that good ol Adamantoise. Just look how big it is!
Square Enix released a new trailer for Final Fantasy XV. The trailer is not a normal one but rather one that focuses on the random giveaways. The trailer is still worth watching though as it shows off plenty of gameplay. Below are some of the prizes- Final Fantasy XV Xbox one PlayArts Kai Day One […]
The newest issue of Weekly Jump revealed the appearance of two new characters in Final Fantasy XV. Though both have been shown before this is our first time seeing them within the game.Below is the image. Iris Amicitia (The young woman)-She first appeared in the Third Episode of Brotherhood. She is Gladiolus younger sister, and is the eldest […]
Square Enix uploaded a “Universe” trailer for the upcoming Final Fantasy XV. In the trailer you get to see a little of everything from the upcoming game. From Brotherhood to KingsGlaive to the actual game, it is all there. The footage can be a bit jarring thanks to the medium switch but it is still nice to […]