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Have Yet Another Merry Berserk Christmas

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Once again Christmas is upon us. So of course the strange Sidearc tradition of Berserk Christmas is once again brought back from its sad grave.

Of course if you go down below you’ll find our traditional Berserk Videos. Starting of course with the progenitor of this oddly strange tradition.

Now go down there and watch the video. It is Christmas time after all, and really what says Christmas more than Berserk? Nothing, nothing says Christmas more than Berserk

May a Berserk Christmas Never die Oh look a great Christmas gift! 

Sadly there’s not bluray for North America for the classic Anime, so we still got to sit back and hope for that.

In case you missed it, feel free to check out our recommended anime for this strange and fun Holiday season. While berserk is missing there area few that might scratch that strange itch your sick and twisted sense of humor needs ( see Golgo 13 Christmas episode)

Don’t forget, if you want to spread the Berserk Love or just want a fancier collection, the Berserk Deluxe edition is currently on sale, so go get that beautiful monster of a manga. Just don’t traumatize your parents with it like I did. You can buy the manga here-Amazon Berserk deluxe Edition. It is stupid nice, for real check it out. Im mad I got the old editions now.

And of course if you’re feeling talkative feel free to stop by speakout and say hello! There you can talk about games, anime, computers and anything nerdy really