TheRevanchist replied to the topic Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom Announced in the forum Articles 9 years ago
Uh! I haven’t even got the first game out of the packaging yet. No time! I feel like that stupid rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.
TheRevanchist replied to the topic Final Fantasy XV Dawn 2.0 Trailer in the forum Articles 10 years ago
Based on that pic above, they should have just called it Breaking Dawn. HA! Oh, they might as well be glittering in the sunlight. Oh, man, I kill me!
Seriously, though. The trailer is pretty good still. Love that part where the camera angle is looking up at the car. Love that.
therevanchist likes a reply on Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic Games 10 years ago
TheRevanchist replied to the topic Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic Games in the forum Speakout Forum 10 years ago
The first game is. KoTOR 2 got a re-release of sorts on Steam with updated graphics and The Sith Lords Restoration Project added to it. I’m still thinking about buying it again, but how many copies of one game can a person have? I have the first game on 4 different platforms and the second game on 2 different platforms. Not sure I want to keep…[Read more]
TheRevanchist started the topic Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic Games in the forum SideArc Community Discussion 10 years ago
It’s been more than a decade since the single-player, turn-based RPG known as Knights of The Old Republic has come out. Yet, we have this wonderful game, and it’s sequel, still out there being enjoyed. The first game in the series is available on Kindles and smart phones now. This is a classic game that endures due to it’s story telling and…[Read more]
TheRevanchist started the topic Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic Games in the forum SideArc Community Discussion 10 years ago
It’s been more than a decade since the single-player, turn-based RPG known as Knights of The Old Republic has come out. Yet, we have this wonderful game, and it’s sequel, still out there being enjoyed. The first game in the series is available on Kindles and smart phones now. This is a classic game that endures due to it’s story telling and…[Read more]
TheRevanchist became a registered member 10 years ago