Rumor- Final Fantasy XV To Release World Wide September 30th
Today Gematsu got word from three independant sources that Final Fantasy XV will be released on September 30th, WorldWide.
“The release date will be officially announced during “Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV,” an event set to take place at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on March 30 that will also share a collection of other information about the game.”
Gematsu did go on further to point out that while their sources are reliable, that this may just be a projected release date and not what actually ends up being the true one, as games are constantly delayed now days.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII for PlayStation 3 at E3 2006, nearly 10 years ago, looks like the wait is almost over.
[See the full post at: Rumor- Final Fantasy XV To Release World Wide September 30th]