Over on Twitter Woolshokupan posted a cake that they had made for their wedding. The cake is from Final Fantasy VII of course, and it is amazing. The cake is modeled after the Famous city of Midgar from Final Fantasy VII. As you can see they have captured an insane amount of detail from the games […]
Out of the blue Gkids and Fathom events announced that Tokyo Godfathers is to be re-released into theaters subbed and for the first time for most of the world Dubbed. The re-release will also apparently be 4K thanks to a new restoration done by the companies. First of all I cannot recommend this video enough, […]
According to the official Japanese PlayStation website, the production for the PlayStation 3 has ended in Japan. Sony mentioned their console will have a ten-year life cycle before ending production, and they have honored their words since the system’s launch in 2006. The PlayStation 3 has sold over 86 million consoles worldwide prior to this […]