dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2 months, 3 weeks ago
“This may terrify children,” I repeatedly thought to myself, sitting through a bolder but much grimmer installment in a series that’s often been content to be mostly lighthearted fare for families and young […]
Balthazar's profile was updated 7 months, 1 week ago
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Fall (2022) 11 months, 4 weeks ago
You just can’t look away.
Fall is a minimalist hour and a half of compelling stunts tethered to a problematic and frequently unlikable script. Most of the characters are unsympathetic, the acting frequently […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, Game Review: Divinity — Original Sin II 3 years, 8 months ago
You’re either going to love or hate this game. Its turn-based combat is by far the most fun that I’ve ever played in a CRPG, but while I loved many character subplots, I had some issues with the gameplay […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Game Review] Cities Skylines — Industries expansion 3 years, 8 months ago
First of all, big thanks to this guide https://steamcommunity.com/app/255710/discussions/0/1733216893888441236/?ctp=2 for being a really good explanation of how the new industrial supply chains work.
I loved […]
-F- wrote a new post, Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Impressions 3 years, 8 months ago
Sega is weird. It is one of the few very well known companies out there that is pumping out games here and there with varying degrees of success that just seems completely random. Being probably best known for […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 5 years ago
Sonic the Hedgehog is the sort of “children’s movie” that earnestly suggests that a valid way for a kid to learn to make friends is to spend an hour in a bar, and indeed a noticeable chunk of the film takes […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Happy New Year!] Movie Review: Knives Out 5 years, 2 months ago
Director and writer Rian Johnson returns to the suspense-thriller genre with a quirky, modern murder mystery filled with gorgeous settings and plenty of humor. I had my doubts upon learning Johnson was […]
-F- wrote a new post, Final Fantasy XIV – Shadowbringers Review [Spoilers Ahead] 5 years, 8 months ago
For many people, Stormblood was rather a disappointment and Heavensward was the standard for a good Final Fantasy XIV expansion. Stormblood is by no means a bad expansion, but more akin to a filler episode, no […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Pokémon — Detective Pikachu 5 years, 10 months ago
A children’s live-action comedy-mystery starring a talking mouse with a caffeine addiction, a searing wit that narrowly remains age-appropriate, and a heavy case of amnesia shouldn’t be such a successful […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Avengers – Endgame 5 years, 10 months ago
Avengers: Endgame, while remaining worth a watch, is not Marvel’s best work. It’s not the series’ funniest installment, despite devoting a remarkable fraction of its unnecessary running time to jokes and […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Captain Marvel 6 years ago
“Thank you, Stan.”
Captain Marvel’s opening montage, a collection of Stan Lee portraits set against the Marvel Studios logo, is a poignant and meaningful dedication to an iconic personality who was partly […]
-F- wrote a new post, DMC Devil May Cry – A Look Back at the Most Grating Game I Have Ever Played 6 years ago
Devil May Cry V is releasing soon, probably by the time this article is published. But every day I wait for the release of that game, I grow madder and madder. Not angry mad, but crazy mad—I just cannot bear the w […]
-F- wrote a new post, Biomutant Gamescom demo Hands-on Impression 6 years, 6 months ago
Biomutant was available on THQ Nordic’s show floor at Gamescom along with Darksiders III!!
Biomutant was a new IP that came absolutely out of nowhere. In addition to that, there’s not a lot known about the game […] -
-F- wrote a new post, Kingdom Hearts III Hands-on from Gamescom 6 years, 6 months ago
Kingdom Hearts III demo was available to play in either Xbox’s show floor or Square Enix’s Show area!!
Kingdom Hearts has come a long long way, it started out as a very basic adventure action RPG game with a […] -
-F- wrote a new post, Sekiro – Shadows Die Twice Hands-on Impressions 6 years, 6 months ago
Sekiro – Shadows Die Twice Demo was available to play in Activision’s show booth alongside Destiny 2!!
Sekiro – Shadows Die Twice was revealed some time ago at E3. When I saw the E3 trailer, I […] -
-F- wrote a new post, Darksiders III Hands On Impressions From Gamescom 6 years, 6 months ago
Darksiders III is available for demo in THQ Nordic’s show floor along with Biomutant, and also showing a few other games!
THQ was one of the better known game studios back then. So when THQ went down some time […] -
-F- wrote a new post, Devil May Cry V Demo – Hands on!! 6 years, 6 months ago
Okay! Okay! I’ll get out of the room, but not before telling you about the demo. Deal? Deal. Now, on to the hands-on impressions then.
You can visit the Devil May Cry V booth in the Xbox area of Gamescom 2018 […] -
-F- wrote a new post, Sidearc Goes to Gamescom 2018 6 years, 6 months ago
Oh hey, you thought I was dead? I’m very much alive and I’m bringing quite the news! This year, Sidearc is gonna get AN ACTUAL ON-SITE HANDS ON COVERAGE!
Yes that’s right people, I am gonna be at Gamescom this […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Incredibles 2 6 years, 9 months ago
Despite feeling remarkably familiar for being such a long-awaited sequel, Incredibles 2 adeptly balances exciting action alongside thought-provoking and humorous family relations and is an easy recommendation for […]
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