dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 3 months ago
“This may terrify children,” I repeatedly thought to myself, sitting through a bolder but much grimmer installment in a series that’s often been content to be mostly lighthearted fare for families and young […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Fall (2022) 1 year ago
You just can’t look away.
Fall is a minimalist hour and a half of compelling stunts tethered to a problematic and frequently unlikable script. Most of the characters are unsympathetic, the acting frequently […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, Game Review: Divinity — Original Sin II 3 years, 8 months ago
You’re either going to love or hate this game. Its turn-based combat is by far the most fun that I’ve ever played in a CRPG, but while I loved many character subplots, I had some issues with the gameplay […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Game Review] Cities Skylines — Industries expansion 3 years, 8 months ago
First of all, big thanks to this guide https://steamcommunity.com/app/255710/discussions/0/1733216893888441236/?ctp=2 for being a really good explanation of how the new industrial supply chains work.
I loved […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 5 years, 1 month ago
Sonic the Hedgehog is the sort of “children’s movie” that earnestly suggests that a valid way for a kid to learn to make friends is to spend an hour in a bar, and indeed a noticeable chunk of the film takes […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Happy New Year!] Movie Review: Knives Out 5 years, 2 months ago
Director and writer Rian Johnson returns to the suspense-thriller genre with a quirky, modern murder mystery filled with gorgeous settings and plenty of humor. I had my doubts upon learning Johnson was […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Pokémon — Detective Pikachu 5 years, 10 months ago
A children’s live-action comedy-mystery starring a talking mouse with a caffeine addiction, a searing wit that narrowly remains age-appropriate, and a heavy case of amnesia shouldn’t be such a successful […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Avengers – Endgame 5 years, 11 months ago
Avengers: Endgame, while remaining worth a watch, is not Marvel’s best work. It’s not the series’ funniest installment, despite devoting a remarkable fraction of its unnecessary running time to jokes and […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Captain Marvel 6 years ago
“Thank you, Stan.”
Captain Marvel’s opening montage, a collection of Stan Lee portraits set against the Marvel Studios logo, is a poignant and meaningful dedication to an iconic personality who was partly […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Incredibles 2 6 years, 9 months ago
Despite feeling remarkably familiar for being such a long-awaited sequel, Incredibles 2 adeptly balances exciting action alongside thought-provoking and humorous family relations and is an easy recommendation for […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Solo – A Star Wars Story 6 years, 10 months ago
Han Solo’s origin story is a genuinely fun action movie that recalls the lighthearted tone of the original Star Wars films without blatantly mimicking their structure or leaning too hard on nostalgia. The new […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Star Wars—The Last Jedi 7 years, 3 months ago
That’s how you move a story forward.
I was apprehensive about Rian Johnson directing a major installment in one of Western cinema’s most iconic franchises (I had issues with Looper), but I needn’t have […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, Still wanting to defend Net Neutrality? Here are some options. 7 years, 3 months ago
If you’ve been following the Net Neutrality controversy, to decide whether large corporate ISPs can selectively throttle or restrict otherwise legal Internet traffic (Facebook, Netflix) to those unwilling or […]
Jacob Kellogg and
dracosummoner are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Spider-Man – Homecoming 7 years, 8 months ago
As a tremendously well paced and executed summer blockbuster, Homecoming gives its wall-crawling hero a fresh look, a vivaciously (over)confident personality, and a simple but compelling story that does a […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Wonder Woman 7 years, 9 months ago
I used to want to save the world, Diana Prince(ss of Themyscira) utters as her film begins. She hails from the land of the Amazons, an secluded, all-female society with ties to Greek mythology itself; much of […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Saint Patrick's Day Movie Review] Noble, 2014 8 years ago
It’s not every day one is likely to hear about a young Irish woman leaving her home and friends behind to serve poor children on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City. Christina Noble, however, did just that, with […]
dracosummoner wrote a new post, [Reviews] Movie Review: Rogue One – A Star Wars Story 8 years, 3 months ago
It’s hard to make “overwhelming odds” consistently feel convincing. Blockbusters have relied on those for so long that their villains and threats have to keep raising the stakes in order to be taken […]
dracosummoner replied to the topic Secret Santa Revived in the forum Speakout Forum 8 years, 3 months ago
Yep, got my pairing. I’m not even familiar with the name of my person, though.
[looks more carefully] OHHHHHHHHH I see now. This’ll be interesting.
dracosummoner replied to the topic Secret Santa Revived in the forum Speakout Forum 8 years, 3 months ago
If a $10 Steam-game gift (e.g., from my secret recipient’s wishlist) will be acceptable, sign me up.
Edit: Signed up on the website.
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