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Gungrave Gore Gets Trailer Revealed At Tokyo Game Show

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After all these years Gungrave is back. Gungrave Gore is here and it looks insane. The trailer which you can watch below, sets the stage for the story and then…then it shows us the gameplay , and it does not disappoint. The gameplay is as chaotic and furious as ever. The Gungrave games of the past have been all action with no excuses for it. It is a breath of pure clean fresh air in a market full of melodrama and nonstop talking.  Surely this game will win no awards, but it has a strong cult following for a reason.


It also has a very loved anime. Though I never got around to watching it. You can watch it on Hulu.

Check out the trailer. It is worth the time.

Gungrave GORE is a true sequel of Gungrave O.D, a cult classic game that was released 15 years ago. This epic trailer includes a story cinematic AND first-look gameplay. Gungrave GORE is a Playstation 4 exclusive title, release date TBD. Subscribe to IGN for more”-Ign,obviously. Crazy to think it’s been 15 years though.


Gungrave Gore is set to release on the PlayStation 4 some day. No date was gave yet.