Another week and yet another episode of Berserk. This week is a rather important episode to the series, but the question is how it will effect the series as a whole. Sadly, it seems like it will only drag it down even further. Check out the review below-
In Case You Missed The Previous Episode Reviews.
- First Episode -click here.
- Second episode-click here.
- If you’re twisted and want to remember Episode 3 exist.Click here.
- Fourth Episode –right here.
- Fifth Episode- Click on this
Story, no time to think.

As for the usual the story is still messy. While the series hits some points of the story it is only in broad strokes. There is no nuance, not much character and there is no time to actually let the story sink in. The shows pacing is way to fast and puts more time into sexual moments than anything else. This is really bad for the story telling, it waste so much time on showing these scenes that we don’t get actual moments of story and character growth.
This is a problem that may die out from here though. In the manga the sexual content drops pretty far down from here, but who knows the series adds more in already so perhaps they will add more.
Again the visuals manage to be a mess. There of course was an orgy, but it was oddly bland. Not creepy, I mean it tried to be sexy but ended up seeming like they were trying to hard. It is just weird to call an orgy bland. It doesn’t seem like something youd ever be able to call bland. But here, it was, the scene was rushed, it wasn’t scary like in the manga. It was just rushed and awkward. But hey, that kind of sums up the series.
It is sad to see Berserk look so poor when the manga is known so well for its amazing visuals.
Strange noises.

As usual, Mozgus is amazing sounding. I’m not sure why but every time he talks in his calm creepily kind voice I enjoy the series more. Mozgus’ voice work is fantastic, but thanks to that the poor voice work of many of the others in the series only stands out even more.
Nothing in this episode really stands out though, this episode is rather forgettable as whole. Not just in the sound department.
In The End.
This episode was just messy and forgettable. All the series problems are center stage yet again. The pacing is yet again terrible, budget is wasted on sexual moments and there is much wasted time there as well. Character growth is also put way back in some forgotten place. It is sad to see the show just be so poorly directed. It doesn’t even feel like it is the same director every episode, or even every scene.
Between the inconsistency the poor pacing and bad direction this Berserk series is just completely forgettable if not painful to watch at times. At this point hope is pretty much all dead.